Sunday, October 30, 2011

Working Progress

Hey everyone! Sorry I have been off the map lately, I have been very busy.  I have a lot going on and a lot in store for you.  I am putting together packs of cards that would make perfect Christmas gifts.  They are going to contain 12 cards in each pack with a variety of birthday and holiday cards.  I am also putting together packs of 6 Christmas cards to mail out to your friends and family this holiday season.  If you have any special requests for the holiday season, email me by using the contact link on the top of my page and let me know what you are looking for.

In the mean time, here are some birthday cards I made recently and never posted.  The one with the bird is going to be in the Year Round 12 Packs and is super cute and glittery in person.

Keep checking back for updates on the card packs that are perfect for the holiday season!  And I'm thinking I should have tags ready to purchase soon to add a special something to your Christmas gifts.  Also, if you have parties planned or if you're a teacher and have a classroom, I will be making goody bags perfect to hand out as gifts.

Like I said, lots in store!  Stay tuned!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Birthday Cards!

Here are some birthday cards I have made.  They are very cute and I can make them for you!

Hoppy Birthday!

It's your bird-day!

If you like these cards and would like me to make some for you, go to the contact page and send me an e-mail, or message on the Kreations by Krista Facebook page, and I will be sure to get back to you quickly.

Thanks for stopping by!

Monday, October 17, 2011

WOW! Another Post!

Okay so this will never happen again, but I have been so excited about my new stamps that I am putting another new project up tonight! This time it is a super cute Christmas card, if I do so say myself.  This Christmas card is not your typical green and red, which is fun and different.  Just another way to show you all of the different things I can do for you.

Remember if you like anything you see on here, go to the contact page and let me know what your looking for.  If you don't see it on here, ask, I can probably make it. 

Thanks for stopping by!!!

Goody Bags!!!

So I know this is crazy because I am adding two new things in one day but, I got some new stamps today and was so excited to use them so I had to finish some things up!  Anyways I made goody bags for my class for Halloween.  They are so cute!  I had 3 super cute stamps that I couldn't resist using so I used them all.  Now these ones are going to go to my kids but keep in mind this is another thing I can make for you be it whatever holiday or occasion.  So here they are!

Now I need to keep filling the bags with goodies but these are the 3 different toppers I made to go on the goody bags.  They are so cute and I am so excited to give them to the kids on Halloween.  I think I will be doing these for Christmas too!  I can make some for you too!

Happy Monday!

How's everyone doing on this lovely Monday??  I went to a wedding this weekend and I made a card for myself and my mother to give to the lucky couple.  They were so cute I wanted to share them with you but since they were for the wedding they are not for sale.  I can however make some just like them if you would like.  Here they are!

 Outside #1

Inside #1

Outside #2

Inside #2

Aren't they so fancy and pretty??  I really liked them and enjoyed making them.  I hope you like them too!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Happy Thursday!

Hey everyone how's it going? I've been very busy lately and have not had a chance to get very many cards done, hence the lack of posts.  Well I thought with the time flying by and me not having a chance to stay on top of things I was being reminded a lot of the holiday season.  So in honor of that I made a cute little turkey card.  He is very cute and one of my favorite ones I have made so far.  Here he is!

I hope you like him.  He is for sale so get him before he's gone!  Also I have ordered some very cute stamps and I know they will inspire me to make some cute cards so stay tuned.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall is Here!

Wow, it is getting chilly outside!!! I like it!  This must mean fall is truly here.  So in honor of the cold weather and fall I have made a new card.  Here it is

I am working on a cute little turkey as we speak so be looking for him tomorrow!  Enjoy the cooler weather!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Getting Ready for the Holidays

Hello Everyone!  So I figure everyone is getting ready for the holidays so I should too.  Here is another Christmas card I have created.  Expect many more of these to be coming real soon.


I hope you like it! 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I Love Snowmen!

Wow, this week has been a busy week already!  I just wanted to let everyone know I will be making more cards as soon as I can find time.  Here is one I just made tonight in a hurry.  I will be adding a stamp to the top of it as soon as I decide which one to use.  As it is, I am tired so off to bed I go.  Enjoy the rest of your week and check back soon for more cards.


Sunday, October 2, 2011


Welcome to my new blog!  I am very excited to get started on this new adventure.  My name is Krista and I have decided to share my creativity with others.  I have recently began making cards for family and friends when occasions came up.  I enjoy doing it so much that I have decided to share my cards with others.  My goal is to make my cards affordable and personal.  In the stores today you get a mass produced, plain card for sometimes $4.00 or $5.00.  I am trying to make my cards cuter, more personal, and cheaper.  I am just getting started so I don't have a whole lot to choose from yet, but check back daily for new cards.  Also if there is something in particular you are looking for, I can probably do it.  Send me an email with some details of what you are looking for and I should get back to you within a day or so.  Thanks for stopping by! I hope you enjoy what you see!

Here's a card I made yesterday: